What to Expect From Our Discovery Call

If you’re curious about how to develop your idea and make your clothing line a reality, it may be best to take advantage of the discovery call. Once you’ve reached out to me and we agree a time and date, I shall call you via Whatsapp, Skype or simply a traditional phone call. There is no video chat required as the aim of the discussion is to keep you at ease and talk through your vision.

We’ll have a talk about what you’re looking to achieve and I may ask a few questions designed to delve a little deeper and create a rounded understanding of your plans. These questions may include asking about your competitors and strategy on entering the market or simply how many pieces you’re looking to produce and at what price point. If you don’t yet have an answer this is absolutely fine, it just allows me to get a clear picture on where you are in your journey and how best I can help.

Following the call, if you are open to a tailored package I can then proceed to draft a quote and contract for your review. You can decide if you’d like to invest and take that step forward but there is no obligation to proceed. Ultimately the call is designed to explore if we’d make a good team and if I feel I can help you achieve your end goal in the most effective way.

So get in touch today and we can start to build your business.

Alexandra Wall